Valgus Knees or Knee Collapse is the common term that is used to describe the particular form that is shown in the video. This is a very common problem which many of us faces while doing squats. It might happen in either ascent or descent phase.
Let us understand the reason for it:
-It might be because of the weak glutes. Our Glutes muscles are powerful abductors. If these muscles are weak & load is imposed on it.
They fail to keep the knees out. As a result of which the knees fall inward.
-Lack of Ankle mobility may also collapse your knees inward while doing a heavy back squat.
-While executing squat you must assure to use three points of contact (tripod foot) i.e to spread the whole sole of the foot on the floor creating a solid stable base with 3 points of contact. This provides more stability to ankle & prevents knee collapsing.
-Too wide stance or toes pointing forward rather than slightly pointing outwards may lead to this problem.
Here are a few exercises suggested in the video which will help you to strengthen your Glutes & hip adductors.
If knee inward caving happens regularly during your squat, then care should be taken in correcting it. As this form creates extra strain on your Quadriceps muscles & ACL putting your knee joint in an unsafe & unstable position.